Active Aging ­Resource Center

February 17, 2021

The menu for the Active Aging Resource Center for the week of February 22-26
Monday - Beef stew, cottage cheese, diced tomatoes, pickles/onions, blueberry muffin, banana;
Tuesday - Baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, winter mix vegetables, bread, baked fruit dessert;
Wednesday - Ham and beans, cornbread, spinach salad, oven fried potatoes and onions, brownie with mixed berry fruit;
Thursday - Catfish nuggets, tater tots, coleslaw, bread, lemon pudding, fruit;
Friday - Swiss steak with parsley potatoes, corn and lima beans, bread slice, applesauce.
Stay in your warm vehicle and pick up a hot meal to go. Drive through the alley for a hot meal from 11-12.
If you prefer, we can deliver Meals on Wheels to you or if you know an older adults that could use Meals on Wheels, please contact us.