Active Aging Resource Center - August 1, 2024
The menu for the Active Aging Resource Center for the week of August 5 through August 9.
Monday - Goulash, mixed vegetables, fruit juice, bread stick, mandarin oranges;
Tuesday - Lemon pepper fish, cole slaw, peas, strawberries and bananas;
Wednesday - Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, pears;
Thursday - Honey baked ham, baked sweet potatoes, buttered corn, fresh fruit;
Friday - Cheeseburger on bun, lettuce salad, tomatoes, pineapple.
August 6 - Blood pressure/blood sugar checks, 11-12, by Comfort Care Hospice
August 9 - Center closing at 1.
Salad bar every Wednesday
BINGO every Tuesday at 10
Chair Yoga Wednesdays at 10
Game Night every Thursday from 4-7.
Thank you to everyone who has donated fresh produce. We are so blessed to be supported by our communities.
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